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Drinking cider @ Tertulia in NYC.
Also seen in pic - Black and white anchovies, slow-roasted tomato & sheep’s milk cheese

Find Me

KARINEVARGA.COM launched in the summer of 2010 with a mission to feature talented artists, yummy food and amazing places around the World. Karine is a visual artist, passionate traveler and restaurant professional who loves to drink & eat the good stuff with her husband who is a talented chef.

Q & A with KARINE

What's your favorite color? Olive green

Favorite place in Europe? Italy

Favorite wine? SVB

What are the best things about blogging? My favorite things are meeting new people and learning how to be my own webmaster.

Guilty pleasure? Vitamin Water

What foods get used the most in your Kitchen? Garlic & Avocados

© 2012 karinevarga.com